9 research outputs found

    Analisis Topologi Dan Populasi Penduduk Pemukiman Miskin Menggunakan Teknologi Remote Sensing

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    Wilayah perkotaan di Indonesia memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan wilayah perkotaan di negara-negara berkembang. Beberapa karakteristik tersebut seperti: (1) penurunan fungsi alam dengan berkurangnya ruang hijau atau vegetasi, (2) penumpukan bangunan beratap pada wilayah yang dekat dengan akses transportasi, industri dan pasar, (3) lokasi pemukiman pada zona yang berbahaya karena dekat dengan terminal, sepanjang aliran sungai, sepanjang jalur rel kereta api, dan tempat pembuangan sampah akhir. Keterkaitan antara nilai indeks kemiskinan dengan morfologi fisik dan vegetasi suatu wilayah dapat diketahui dengan pemanfaatan teknologi remote sensing (RS). Keakuratan analisis pemukiman miskin dengan teknologi RS bergantung pada kualitas citra satelit Very High Resolution (VHR) dan kelengkapan dataset Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Teknologi Geospasial yang terintegrasi seperti RS, SIG, dan Global Positioning System (GPS) dapat berkontribusi secara interaktif dalam penilaian, pemahaman dan pemetaan untuk memecahkan masalah pemukiman penduduk yang kompleks di Indonesia. Urban areas in Indonesia have the same characteristics with urban areas in developing countries. Some characteristics such as: (1) decreased of the function of nature with the reduced the number of natural green space or vegetation, (2) accumulation of roofed buildings in the area close to transportation access, industry and market, (3) the location of housing in the dangerous zone as close to the terminal, along the river side, along the railway lines, and the final waste disposal sites. The linkage between poverty index values with the physical morphology and vegetation of an area can be identified by the use of technology and remote sensing (RS). The accuracy of the analysis of poor housing with RS technology relies on the image quality of Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite and the completeness of the dataset Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Geo-spatial technologies are integrated as RS, GIS, and Global Positioning System (GPS) can contribute interactively in the assessment, understanding and mapping to solve the complex problem of residential in Indonesia

    Change Detection in Multi-temporal Images Using Multistage Clustering for Disaster Recovery Planning

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    Change detection analysis on multi-temporal images using various methods have been developed by many researchers in the field of spatial data analysis and image processing. Change detection analysis has many benefit for real world applications such as medical image analysis, valuable material detector, satellite image analysis, disaster recovery planning, and many others. Indonesia is one of the most country that encounter natural disaster. The most memorable disaster was happened in December 26, 2004. Change detection is one of the important part management planning for natural disaster recovery. This article present the fast and accurate result of change detection on multi-temporal images using multistage clustering. There are three main step for change detection in this article, the first step is to find the image difference of two multi-temporal images between the time before disaster and after disaster using operation log ratio between those images. The second step is clustering the difference image using Fuzzy C means divided into three classes. Change, unchanged, and intermediate change region. Afterword the last step is cluster the change map from fuzzy C means clustering using k means clustering, divided into two classes. Change and unchanged region. Both clustering\u27s based on Euclidian distance

    Ekstraksi Fitur Fraktal Dan Morfologi Sinyal Elektrokardiogram Dan Pemanfaatannya Dalam Klasifikasi Deep Sleep

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    Detak jantung manusia dapat memberikan informasi yang berguna tentang aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam tubuh. Salah satu informasi yang dapat diperoleh dari rekaman detak jantung atau elektrokardiogram adalah tingkat keterlelapan tidur seseorang (sleep stages). Dari sinyal elektrokardiogram seseorang, tingkat keterlelapan tidurnya dapat dikenali dengan terlebih dahulu mengekstrak fitur yang merepresentasikan sinyal elektrokardiogram tersebut secara keseluruhan. Ekstraksi dilakukan agar dimensi data dapat tereduksi sehingga proses klasifikasi dapat lebih mudah dilakukan. Penelitian ini melakukan ekstraksi fitur fraktal dan morfologi dari sinyal elektrokardiogram yang diperoleh dari PhysioNet. Sebelum melakukan ekstraksi fitur morfologi dari sinyal elektrokardiogram, terlebih dahulu dilakukan “Wavelet Denoising†untuk menghilangkan noise yang terdapat pada sinyal. Human heart rate can provide useful information about the activities that occur in the body. One of information which may be obtained from recording the heart rate or electrocardiogram is commonly called a person\u27s level of deep sleep (sleep stages). From a person\u27s electrocardiogram signal, the level of deep sleep recognizable by extracting features that represent the electrocardiogram signal as a whole. Extraction is done so that the dimension of the data can be reduced so that the classification process can be more easily done. This study aims to extract fractal features and morphology of the electrocardiogram signal obtained from PhysioNet. Prior to the extraction of morphological features of the electrocardiogram signal, first performed “Wavelet Denoising†to remove the noise contained in the signal

    CIELab Color Moments: Alternative Descriptors for LANDSAT Images Classification System

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    This study compares the image classification system based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) using CIELab color moments as image descriptors. It was implemented for LANDSAT images classification by evaluating the accuracy values of classification systems. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the CIELab color moments can be used as an alternatif descriptor replacing NDVI when it is implemented using LDA-based classification model. The result shows that the LDA-based image classification system using CIELab color moments provides better performance accuracy than the NDVI-based image classification system, i.e 87.43% and 86.25% for LDA-based and NDVI-based respectively. Therefore, we conclude that the CIELab color moments which are implemented under the LDA-based image classification system can be assigned as alternative image descriptors for the remote sensing image classification systems with the limited data availability, especially when the data only available in true color composite images

    Texture fusion for batik motif retrieval system

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    This paper systematically investigates the effect of image texture features on batik motif retrieval performance. The retrieval process uses a query motif image to find matching motif images in a database. In this study, feature fusion of various image texture features such as Gabor, Log-Gabor, Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrices (GLCM), and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features are attempted in motif image retrieval. With regards to performance evaluation, both individual features and fused feature sets are applied. Experimental results show that optimal feature fusion outperforms individual features in batik motif retrieval. Among the individual features tested, Log-Gabor features provide the best result. The proposed approach is best used in a scenario where a query image containing multiple basic motif objects is applied to a dataset in which retrieved images also contain multiple motif objects. The retrieval rate achieves 84.54% for the rank 3 precision when the feature space is fused with Gabor, GLCM and Log-Gabor features. The investigation also shows that the proposed method does not work well for a retrieval scenario where the query image contains multiple basic motif objects being applied to a dataset in which the retrieved images only contain one basic motif object

    Penerapan Basis Data Citra Pada Sistem Pencarian Citra Berbasis Isi: Menggunakan Fasilitas Java Object Serialization Dan Menggunakan Fasilitas Mysql

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    Makalah ini membahas dua pilihan penerapan struktur basis data citra pada sistem pencarian citra berbasis isi. Pendekatan pertama menggunakan folder untuk menyimpan berkas citra dan Java object serialization untuk menyimpan data citra. Pendekatan kedua menggunakan basis data Data Base Management System MySQL untuk menyimpan berkas dan data citra. Kedua pendekatan dibahas dari aspek penerapan struktur basis data untuk tujuan pengembangan sistem pencarian citra berbasis isi yang efisien. Data yang tidak terstruktur dan proses clustering data lebih mudah ditangani dengan struktur basis data dari pendekatan pertama. Data yang jumlahnya besar dan terstruktur serta proses indexing lebih mudah ditangani dengan struktur basis data dari pendekatan kedua. Sistem pencarian citra berbasis isi lebih banyak melakukan kueri jenis select dibandingkan dengan insert dan update data, dalam hal ini kedua pendekatan dapat memenuhinya dengan baik. Secara umum, pendekatan kedua dianggap memberikan dukungan yang baik dalam penyimpanan dan manipulasi data, serta dapat mengurangi upaya dan waktu yang dibutuhkan pada pengembangan sistem

    Random Adjustment - Based Chaotic Metaheuristic Algorithms for Image Contrast Enhancement

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    Metaheuristic algorithm is a powerful optimization method, in which it can solve problemsby exploring the ordinarily large solution search space of these instances, that are believed tobe hard in general. However, the performances of these algorithms signicantly depend onthe setting of their parameter, while is not easy to set them accurately as well as completelyrelying on the problem\u27s characteristic. To ne-tune the parameters automatically, manymethods have been proposed to address this challenge, including fuzzy logic, chaos, randomadjustment and others. All of these methods for many years have been developed indepen-dently for automatic setting of metaheuristic parameters, and integration of two or more ofthese methods has not yet much conducted. Thus, a method that provides advantage fromcombining chaos and random adjustment is proposed. Some popular metaheuristic algo-rithms are used to test the performance of the proposed method, i.e. simulated annealing,particle swarm optimization, dierential evolution, and harmony search. As a case study ofthis research is contrast enhancement for images of Cameraman, Lena, Boat and Rice. Ingeneral, the simulation results show that the proposed methods are better than the originalmetaheuristic, chaotic metaheuristic, and metaheuristic by random adjustment